Dr Harry Blutstein
Harry has over 27 years experience providing advice to a broad range of industries, government agencies and communities on sustainability development and environmental protection. He was also involved in the development of the Melbourne Principles on Sustainable Cities, which is
a UNEP project. His contribution to both business and government is augmented by involvement with education and professional groups. He is an adjunct professor with RMIT Department of Applied Science.
Peter Hill MBA MEng BA
Peter operates Peter Hill and Associates, offering services in business process auditing (non-accounting), risk management, planning and strategic development, marketing planning and strategies, market research, economic analysis, transport planning and risk assessment. He has completed a range of assignments in local government, state government, transport, tourism and retailing sectors.
Tom Gossen MSc BSc BA
Tom has been a senior executive in business consulted to business leaders and government ministers and senators. He served for over 20 years in the Canadian Navy with senior postings in Canada, America and Europe. Tom now resides in Toronto, Canada.
Barry Minster JP
Barry operates Visual Images Pty Ltd, a multimedia and post production business. He creates video programs, internet sites and interactive CD roms. He is an experienced project manager with a proven track record of delivering on time and on budget.