some articles and book chapters:
Recent Publications
- "Entrepreneurship and Sustainability", in Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, Oct 2005
- "Discourses of Change Ownership", in Quality in Higher Education, 2005 Vol: 13 Iss: 4 Pp: 344-352
- Feasibility Study Linking Best Value Procurement Assessment to Outcome Performance Indicatorswith Prof John Dalrymple, Dr Peter Bryar and Warren Staples, Final (draft) Report to CRC Construction Innovation.
- The Sustainable Way, Brolga Publishing, Melbourne, 2005 (a short novel to explain positioning theory applied in business)
- Assessment of Quality Systems with Positioning Theory, in Harre and Moghaddam 2003, The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal, Political, and Cultural Contexts, Greenwood Publisers, Westport, Conn
- "Positioning Theory Method for Culture Analysis and Development", in L.Boxer (ed) Excellence in the Face of Crisis, MAAOE03 Proceedings, Intergon, Melbourne, Oct 2003
- Improving Education Quality with Positioning Theory QHE2002
- Improving Information Flow with Positioning Theory MAAOE2002
- Using Positioning Theory to Make Change Happen CQ&IM 2001
- Subterfuge of the Sustainability Trinity MAAOE2001
- Leading to Quality and Success
- Leadership from the Centre
- Leadership or Thuggery
- Implications of Insitutional Shareholders on Business Leaders RMIT MBA Thesis 1998
- Productivity Improvement and Cause and Effect Approach
- Understanding ISO9000
- Using TQM to Reduce Environmental Pullution KPMG Informer 1991
- Leading Brethren in Freemasonry
- Many others from archives to follow
Articles by others: