assumptions about organisations / communities
for appreciative inquiry (ai) to be effective
- Something is working in every society*
- Sustaining motivation is best done by looking at what is working well as opposed to what is broken.
- Our energy is absorbed by what we focus on
- Change is initiated by asking questions about the society
- Focus and questioning will direct the evolution of the society
- Reality is created in terms of the language used
- Carrying parts of the past forward makes the journey to the future more comfortable
- The best parts of the past belong in the future
- So, ask questions to uncover the best of the past and how it will fit into the future
- AI will give people confidence to move to the future
* a society can be national or it can be a small team of people.
No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.
We must learn to see the world anew. Albert Einstein