DefinitionsThis site is a new feature that lists terms that are used in our work that often are misunderstood.
1. GeneralFailure Mode and Effects Analysis - a risk management tool to identify things that could potentially go wrong in design or production. List potential failures, rate the severity of each mode of failure, potential causes are identified, and likelihood of occurences are predicted. This process leads analysts to develop suitable preventions for each failure mode. Policy - a broad statement of objectives. Procedure - a statement of how policy is to be enacted. Position (positioning theory) - a dynamic and ever-negotiated definition of self. Role (positioning theory) - a static appointed title defining one's job and tasks. Product - a tangible good or intangible service that is produced by an organisation. Risk Management - a processes concerned with identifying, analysing and responding to project risk. It consists of risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation and risk treatment. The processes are iterative throughout the life of the project and should be built into the project management activities. Sustainability - (no universal definition has been made) is about doing things with a deep concern about achieving a balance and our own continued existence. The balance concerns equal respect for society, environment and economics. This balance and continued existence can relate to our selves, our community, our employers or any other entity we may care about.
2. StandardsClick here for free ISO9000:2000 four page overview. ISO9001 - a quality management standard published by the ISO that are generally used as a basis for third party Certification Bodies to certify that a business operates appropriate procedures commensurate to the risks involved in that business. AS9100 - a standard peculiar to the aerospace industry that augments ISO9001. At this stage AS9100 is dealt with exclusively by the aerospace industry and requires ISO9001 certification as a foundation for consideration. (in this case AS stands for Aerospace) AS3900 - a defunct series of quality standards identical to ISO9000 (as issued in 1987). (in this case AS stands for Australian Standards) TS16949 - an extension to QS9000 and ISO9001 for automotive industry suppliers. Email me for a spread sheet that compares ISO9001:2000 requirements to TS16949:2000 requirements AS/NZS 4360 SET - a standard published by Standards Australia to provide a generic guide for managing risk. It may be applied to a wide range of activities or operations of any public, private or community enterprise, or group. It should be used in conjunction with the risk management handbook, HB 436 and incorporate HB221. HB221 - a handbook published by Standards Australia to set out a definition and process for Business Continuity Management (BCM), and provide a workbook that may be used by organisations to assist in implementation. BCM is a subset of Risk Management.
Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, murch writing, many opinions, for opinions in good men is but knowledge in the making. Intergon helps you to be your best! In Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia since 1981main | services | clients | history | links | staff | articles | | How to deal with sustainability issues
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Is the integrity of a business inversely proportional to the their reliance on ISO9000 certification as a facade and an excuse to deal with quality problems? What do you think?
Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. Helen Keller |